As a bilingual mom of five, I thought it would be important for my kids to learn Spanish nursery rhymes in addition to the English ones they were learning at home and at daycare. In Spanish nursery rhymes are usually called; canciónes de cuna, OR rondas infantiles.
What is a nursery rhyme? A nursery rhyme is a traditional song or rhyme that most children learn when they are young. It is one of those songs that everyone knows words to when they hear it and it brings them back to their childhood.
I compiled a list of Spanish nursery rhymes that might be helpful to teach you, elementary Spanish classes, play during class or teach to your own bilingual children. Most of the Spanish nursery rhymes on this list should be familiar or you may even have heard them before since many have been around for generations.
It is important to teach not only the Spanish language but culture to your students (and your kids). One of the best ways to teach culture is through authentic songs and materials.
Nursery Rhymes in Spanish:
Arroz con leche
Que llueve
Los pollitos dicen
La Ronda (Rueda) de Pan y Canela
Sol solecito luna lunera
Habia un sapo
El barquito chiquito
La mar estaba serena
Pin Pón
Palomita blanca
Marcha soldado
Rueda, rueda, rueda
You can subscribe to my YouTube Spanish nursery rhyme playlist. That way you can access all of these children’s songs more easily.
Which of these is your favorite Spanish nursery rhyme? Do any of them bring back memories from your childhood? Which of these nursery rhymes in Spanish will you teach to your class (or kids)?