Spanish Verbs Word Wall (Pared de palabras verbos)


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Word Wall of Verbs in Spanish. (pared de palabras: los verbos)

World walls are great ways for students to build vocabulary, use as visual references while speaking in class and a fun way to decorate your classroom or a bulletin board.

This product is intended for Spanish language classes, dual language and immersion classrooms. Each card has a picture or visual and then the word (in its infinitive form). This resource comes with two versions: 1. all color 2. Colored pictures with no background (which would look great copied on Astro brights or card stock).

-AR Verbs:
abrazar, acampar, almorzar, amar, apagar, aplastar, apuntar, arreglar, ayudar, bailar, bajar, balancear, bañar, besar, borrar, brincar, buscar, caminar, cantar, cargar, cavar, cenar, cepillar, cerrar, chocar, cocinar, colgar, colorear, comprar, contar, cortar, costar, cuidar, dar, decorar, desayunar, descansar, desear, dibujar, diseñar, disfrazar, empacar, empujar, enchufar, encontrar, enfermar, enseñar, ensuciar, enviar, escuchar, esperar, esquiar, estrechar, estresar, estudiar, festejar, ganar, gastar, gatear, gritar, hablar, hornear, jalar, jugar, lanzar (tirar), lavar, levantar, limpiar, llamar, llenar, llorar, manejar (conducir), merendar, mezclar, mirar (ver), montar, nadar, operar, organizar, pagar, parar, pasar, pasear, patear, pegar, peinar, pensar, pesar, pintar, plantar, preguntar, regalar, rezar, sacar, salpicar, saltar, saludar, secar, sentar, solear, sonar, soplar, surfear, tomar (beber), tocar, topar, trabajar, usar, vaciar, viajar, visitar, volar, vomitar

-ER Verbs:
barrer, caer, comer, correr, coser, crecer, entender, esconder, hacer, lamer, leer, oler, prender, recoger, romper, tejer, tender, traer, vender

-IR Verbs:
abrir, aplaudir, compartir, confundir, construir, cumplir, decidir, decir, despedir, dormir, escribir, hundir, ir, medir, oir, partir, pedir, recibir, reír, salir, sonreír, subir, vestir, vivir


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