Diversity activities in Spanish (Actividades de diversidad)


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Diversity activities in Spanish (Actividades de diversidad)

This resource is designed for students in Spanish immersion, dual language, and Spanish language classrooms. This product has a variety of activities and would be suitable for students in Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade.

This is a resource that could be used in January, while teaching about Martin Luther King, Jr. It would be a great complement to MLK’s message.

Spanish resource includes: (18 pages)
Egg expirement (experimento con huevos blancos y marrones)
Apple expirement (experimento con manzanas de tres colores)
Escritura de Crayones
Crayon grande con poster …. (seria aburrido si todos estuvieramos del mismo color)
Dibujo de uno color y dibujo de muchos colores
Escritura de ser unicos
Diagrama Venn con otro estudiantes de la clase y yo
Diagrama Venn con Martin Luther King, Jr. y yo
Hoja de colorear/dbijuar (todos somoes diferentes. todos somos iguales.)
Rompecabezas (Todos juntos cabemos)

12 student sheets and 4 (8.5 x 11) color posters for the classroom.


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