Black History Month Posters in Spanish (El mes de la historia afroamericana)


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Black History Month Posters in Spanish
(Carteles/ Mini-Posters para el mes de la historia afroamericana)

This product is in Spanish (only). A great product for kindergarten and first grade students and/or bulletin boards. This was created for students in Spanish immersion, bilingual and/or Spanish language classrooms.

This product includes:
17- Posters with one important African American figure on each
2- Different ‘title’ posters

The following African Americans are on the posters:
Harriet Tubman
Barack Obama
Rosa Parks
Ruby Bridges
Jackie Robinson
Sojourner Truth
Booker T. Washington
George Washington Carver
Colin Powell
Langston Hughes
Michael Jackson
Michael Jordan
Martin Luther King, Jr,
Thurgood Marshall
Sarah Goode
Jesse Owens
Mae Jemison

This is a great product to helps students learn about important African Americans from U.S. History.
Este producto incluye 17 posters (carteles) de afroamericanos famosos de la historia de los Estados Unidos. Este producto es perfecto para ensenar en el mes de la historia afroamericana (febrero) o durante otro tiempo en el año.


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