Beetle Life Cycle in Spanish (Mealworm) Ciclo de vida del escarabajo


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Beetle Life Cycle in Spanish (Mealworm) Ciclo de vida del escarabajo

This science resource is in Spanish. It is for students in Spanish immersion, bilingual and Spanish language classes. This is a unit for kids learning about beetles or insects in science.

This resource includes 27 student pages.
5 datos de escarabajos
5 datos de los gusanos de la harina
Beetle Life cycle (Cut and paste)
Label parts of a beetle in Spanish
Label parts of a mealworm in Spanish
2- Bubble charts (Beetles & Mealworm)
Investigación acerca de los escarabajos
Fill in the blank sentences
Reading passage about beetles
Si yo tuviera un escarabajo como mascota…
3- writing pages (paginas de escritura)
12- Vocab cards (word wall cards with releavant vocabulary)
Los escarabajos (son, tienen, necesitan)
Los gusanos de la harina (son, tienen, necesitan)
True/False Cut/Paste activity
Observations recording sheet
Beetles cover sheet (if making packets)
Los ____ necesitan (escarabajos/gusanos de la harina)
El habitat de… (escarabajos/gusanos de la harina)


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