Fall Fiction Books in Spanish for Children

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It is getting chilly out, the leaves are starting to change colors and fall from the trees. It is a great time of year to read fall themed books in Spanish with your bilingual or immersion class. Here are some of my favorite fiction books to read in the fall.

1. La calabaza rodante by Junia Wonders
A story about a girl that chases her huge pumpkin as it rolls through town.

2. Carlos y la planta de calabaza by Jan Romero Stevens (Bilingual)
This book is in both English and in Spanish. Carlos refuses to bathe after working in the field until a plant sprouts out of this ear.

3. El conteo regresivo de otoño by Fran Hawk
Count fall objects backward in Spanish.

4. La viejecita que no le tenia miedo a nada by Linda Williams
This story is about a old lady that was never scared of anything until one night. Would be a great read in late October around Halloween.

5. Dentro de mi imaginacion by Marta Arteaga
A book about using and exploring the world with your imagination.

6.¡El otoño ya está aquí! by Albert Asensio
A story about a squirrel named Nin. This book talks about how the animals are preparing for winter.

7. Tina y un otono de Fotografia: Un cuento de otoño de yoga para niños by Giselle Shardlow
This story is about Tina and her father. They do yoga as they are out taking pictures and enjoying the fall weather and orchard.

8. Ana Cultiva Manzanas by Monica Wellington
This is a bilingual book. It is about Ana growing and picking apples. Great to read if your class if visiting an apple orchard or learning about plants.

9. Gracias el pavo de Thanksgiving by Joy Cowley
Miguel does not like that his father is trying to get him to fatten up a turkey for Thanksgiving.

10. El pavo que se olvidó cómo hacer Glu-Glú by Alexis H. Purcell
A cute story about a turkey that forgot how to ‘gobble’.

Do you have any other favorite Spanish language books that you read in the fall or autumn that we did not include? Let us know and we will add them to the list.