Bilingual Back To School Blog Hop

Back to school time in your bilingual classroom can be overwhelming. There are so many things to get done, new routines to get down and a bunch of new kids to get to know. 

This is a free printable in Spanish that you can use to label parts or your classroom or use as a vocabulary word wall when you are learning about school or classroom objects.

My preferred way to use them is as a word wall- I like to display them for students in the classroom. I think that the picture or graphic visual goes great clearly helps learners in the classroom know what each word means. This resource could be used in a variety of classroom- both in elementary school bilingual classrooms; as well as in middle and high school Spanish language classes.


Once you display these in your classroom, you will often see students glancing at them to remember certain vocabulary words around the classroom. They could be used in a variety of ways throughout the school year- I have used them for word walls, games, vocabulary review, as classroom labels, etc.

Click here to get the free classroom labels in Spanish. 

You could also use them to label the different parts of your classroom. Though you most likely wouldn’t use all of them– it would be helpful to put this essential school vocabulary in Spanish around your classroom.

If you are looking for other Spanish word walls: I use a cognates word wall and a verb wall– which all have the graphic visual next to the Spanish words to ensure that students associate the word with the image.

The next stop on this Bilingual Back to School Blog Hop is Profe Pistole. You can visit her site to find another great free resource in Spanish to use in your classroom in August or September.